Ethical Design of Holography with Dense wireless Networks

Ubiquitous perception, by sensing of objects, subjects and gestures, is a pivotal challenge for future technology: it enables personalized services such as smart living, automated logistics or interaction through free-space gestures. However, it also challenges ethical and moral boundaries and threatens privacy.

HOLDEN proposes a radically new approach to perception by concisely analysing ethical constraints and privacy risks while re-thinking AI tools for RF-based sensing. We establish necessary conditions for privacy preserving and ethically compliant sensing and develop new paradigms respecting these constraints. For the first time ever, HOLDEN constitutes a concentrated effort to explore social aspects of AI tools for RF-sensing to guide the technological advance and to derive technology for ethically and privacy compliant perception.

Project synopsis


Partners: Aalto University, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Technical University of Munich, Adant srl, University of Twente, Politecnico di Milano (third party of CNR) 

IEIIT  is WP leader of WP4 “RF Holography and Perception in Dynamic Environments”


Funding: Horizon Europe Funding:  2 449 926,50 euro and for CNR-IEIIT 412.965 euro

Timeline:  1 June 2023-31 May 2026