IEIIT is a landmark institution of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, for advanced scientific and technological research in the area of Information Engineering, covering fields as electronics, electromagnetism, telecommunications, system control and artificial intelligence, computer science and bioengineering.
IEIIT mission is to promote and support diffusion and application of the Information Engineering in the society, standing at the cutting edge of the research to produce innovation, technology transfer and education.
Excellence in basic research and a clear vision of its role in its task of "inventing the future", are the founding characteristics of IEIIT, together with a clear propensity for interdisciplinary research, indispensable for facing today's challenges, and the future that the ubiquity of information technologies in today's world requires.
In this path, IEIIT is on the road with the major universities, research centers and companies at national and international level, fully committed in its scientific communities, using as milestones an ever-increasing number of projects and initiatives.
To anticipate the future, IEIIT has recently remodeled its strategic research lines, taking into account the renewed needs that the COVID19 pandemic has raised, with the aim of making the whole society, the health systems, the production chain and the industrial sector more and more resilient. In this line are the studies for the development of ever faster and safer communication systems (6G and beyond, quantum communication, biological communication), the IT security of companies in the perspective of new working paradigms, such as smart working, smart home and smart office, intelligent transportation capable of making society and connections more resilient to future challenges, innovative satellite communication technologies, with the application of quantum communication and artificial intelligence.