modelling of planT REsponsES to varying MAGnetic fields: the search for a plant magnetoreceptor

The project aims to deepen knowledge on the magnetoperception of plants, with reference to the study of the effects on the growth and development of plants in the absence of a geomagnetic field. The study involves carrying out biological experiments under controlled magnetic field conditions, generated within a specific exposure system. The IEIIT CNR research activity will focus on computational modeling and optimization of the conditions of exposure to the magnetic field to which the plants will be subjected, through appropriate computational electromagnetics techniques. This will allow an accurate electromagnetic analysis to be performed, to be able to correlate the biological effect with the causes that produce it. Understanding the role of the magnetic field on plant life will be of critical importance when the plant is grown outside the Earth.
Partners: Università di Torino (Coordinator)
CNR-IEIIT role: Study, modelling and optimization of the exposure system, WP1 leader.
Funding: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), call PRIN 2022, funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU
Timeline: Sept. 2023-Sept. 2025