Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic

The general objective of the RFBIO project is to provide useful data to update health protocols and safety recommendations for military personnel professionally exposed to RF. The specific objective of the project is: a) the evaluation of the potential genotoxic/cytotoxic effects and the biological response associated with the in vitro cell exposure to a definite pulsed RF, using a well-designed exposure system and a multi-methodological approach; b) the characterization of the human exposure of military personnel to RF pulses relevant to the military setting by both deterministic and stochastic computational electromagnetics techniques.
Partners: CNR (CNR IEIIT coordinator and CNR IASI), Università di Roma “Roma Tre” - Department of Science, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” - Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine
IEIIT is responsible of the characterization of the human exposure of military personnel to RF pulses relevant to the military setting by deterministic and stochastic computational dosimetry and machine learning approaches. Moreover, IEIIT is in charge to design the exposure system for the in vitro biological experiments.
Funding: Italian Ministry of Defense through the European Defence Agency (EDA)
Timeline: January 2020 – March 2023