(CHIST-ERA 2017, co-fund H2020 ERA-NET)

RadioSense technology leverages real-time collection and processing of heterogeneous radio signal streams (e.g., those found in 5G and beyond, WiFi and machine-type connections) and multiple Channel State Information (CSI) between different links/antennas. Perturbations induced by moving bodies/objects on the EM wavefield can be processed to extrapolate a 2D/3D image of humans and the environment. The radio data streams from a multitude of wireless devices with different carrier frequencies, bandwidths and spatial resolutions, according to their different technologies and protocols, form a specific type of “big data” and provide a non-intrusive way to monitor and analyze motions and activities in smart spaces. The project is funded under the topic Big Data and process modelling for Smart Industry (BDSI).
Partners: EU partners are Aalto University, Telecom Sud-Paris Tech.
IEIIT will lead the workpackage on cloud platform design, and focus on multitarget diffraction modelling. In particular, it will focus on the integration of RadioSense 122GHz band sensorial information into the cloud system, and validation in a representative site.
Funding: ERA-NET (co-fund H2020) CHIST-ERA III program
Timeline: Feb 2019 - Feb 2021