Operational Knowledge from Insights and Analytics on Industrial Data (OK-INSAID)

OK-INSAID focuses on scientific, technological and application innovation in Industrial Data Analytics to help in the redesign of actual manufacturing networks and processes. Data and analytics are leveraged to achieve a step change in value creation, by transforming existing manufacturing processes and business models. Its main goals are to integrate and demonstrate the potential of Big Data technologies to deliver new digital services in industrial scenarios.
OK-INSAID recognizes the potential of industrial data that is far to be exploited by the Italian (and also EU) enterprises. Data are potentially available, but industries are often unable to extract their hidden value. To this end, OK-INSAID adopts and improves state-of-the-art technologies (mainly open-source) and defines new data-driven methods for industrial applications.
OK-INSAID proposes a novel approach to industrial analytics based on cloud and edge-based coordination, synchronization, and collaboration. This approach is supported by a reference architecture and implementation in order to develop novel hybrid cloud-edge industrial analytics for Industry 4.0.