Cumulative real smart car exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in people of different ages from new technologies in automotive services and connected objects

The trend in the automotive field is toward smart connected ‘car ecosystems’ that can communicate with the external environment for sharing and obtaining information via mobile broadband, Wi-Fi, satellite technology, and Internet of Things (IoT).
The main objective of research Project EXPOAUTO is to characterize the cumulative exposure of passengers and pedestrians, including adults, children, neonates and pregnant women, to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields generated by the combination of existing and new technologies (including 5G) within and outside this ‘car ecosystem’. EXPOAUTO will characterize the exposure due to IoT and other devices used by car passengers for mobile communication and infotainment, devices used by the car itself to communicate with other cars, road infrastructure and with people to broadcast safety messages, to detect pedestrians and to monitor in-cabin vital life signs.
Partners: CNR IEIIT (Coordinator); Institute Mines Télécom-Télécom Paris, Chaire C2M, Palaiseau, France; Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw (IMEC), Ghent, Belgium.
IEIIT is responsible of the identification and characterization of technologies in typical exposure scenarios of smart ‘car ecosystems’. IEIIT is also responsbile of the assessment of the cumulative dose of radio-frequency exposure in car passengers and pedestrians by means of advanced statistical approaches, such as stochastic dosimetry and Machine Learning. Moreover, IEIIT will contribute to the experimental measurement of the field exposure generated in the ‘car ecosystem’, by means of laboratory experimentations and measurements on connected roads.
EXPOAUTO is a Research Project financed by The French National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health of Anses (project n. 2020/2 RF/05).
Timeline: Dec 2020 – Apr 2024.
Scientific activities organization in four Workpackages (WPs), as follows:
- WP1-Identification of technologies in smart car ecosystems;
- WP2-Experimental measurements of RF EMF emitted by real devices in connected cars in-lab and onroads;
- WP3-Estimation of RF power absorption in humans of different ages, from neonates to adults and pregnant women;
- WP4-Assessment of cumulative exposure of the novel ‘car ecosystem’ for different technologies and people at different ages in real-life situations.