Cyber Security Network of Competence Centers for Europe

CyberSec4Europe is aimed at designing, testing and demonstrating potential governance structures for a future European Cybersecurity Competence Network using best practice examples derived from concepts like CERN, as well the expertise and experience of partners.
In particular, CyberSec4Europe is working towards harmonizing the journey from the development of software components that fit the requirements identified by a set of short- and long-term roadmaps, leading to a series of consequent recommendations. These are tied to the project’s real-world demonstration use cases that address cybersecurity challenges within the vertical sectors of digital infrastructure, finance, government and smart cities, healthcare and transportation.
Project Partners: 43 European partners (among universities, municipalities and companies).
CNR Partners: ICAR, IEIIT and ISTI
Total Funding: € 15.999.981,25
Totale Funding (CNR): € 144.895,00
Timeline: 1 Feb 2019 - 31 Jul 2022