Cardio Ultraefficient nanoParticles for Inhalation of Drug prOducts

The EU-funded project Cupido, started in February 2017, proposes an innovative solution: the application of nanotechnologies to the cardiovascular field. Cupido aims to hit the core of the cardiovascular disease, developing inhalable nanoparticles that can deliver a therapy directly to the diseased heart. Nanoparticles are extremely tiny, almost 1 million times smaller than a grain of sand in size and far too small to see with conventional microscopes. Exploiting such a tiny system as a route of administration can revolutionize the cardiovascular field, becoming the first non-invasive and heart-specific therapy.
Partners: Sanofi, Charite Berlino, Simula reserach Laboratory, Imperial College of Science Technology London, In srl, CITC Ltd, Nemera, FinCeramica, CNR, Life Corporation SA, Plumestars srl.
IEIIT is responsible of
- Design and development of fluid flow bioreactor for cardiac cellular activity and stability analysis of superparamagnetic nanoparticples under electromagnetic stimuli;
- Computational simulations of the electromagnetic field distributions in the target area due to the electromagnetic drug targeting systems for human applications.
Progetto Europeo H2020-NMBP-2016 two stages
Total Funding: 6.094.781 euro
Timeline: Feb 2017 - Feb 2021
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