Copernicus HPCM (High Priority Candidate Missions) - CIMR - Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer - Phases B2/C/D and E1 (Prototype and Recurrent Satellites)

This project is part of the Copernicus Programme evolution (so-called “Copernicus Space Component Expansion”), i.e. the new missions that have been identified by the European Commission (EC) as priorities for implementation in the coming years for providing additional capabilities in support of current emerging user needs. The subject of the project is the full development (phases B2/C/D and E1) of one of these missions, namely the Passive Microwave Imaging Mission (CIMR). The main objective of the CIMR Mission is to provide high-spatial resolution microwave imaging radiometry measurements and derived products with at least daily revisit in the Polar Regions to address Copernicus user needs. The CIMR mission will complement the existing family of Copernicus satellites for observing Sea-Ice parameters.
Partners: Thales Alenia Space Italia, OHB Italia.
IEIIT is involved in the antenna electromagnetic design and testing.
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA) under the EC Copernicus Space Component Expansion programme (ESA RFP nr. RFP/1-10059/19/NL/AI)
Timeline: 2020 - 2024