Big dAta aNalYtics for radio Access Networks

The BANYAN project is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network. One Early Stage Researcher (ESR) will be trained under CNR-IEIIT supervision in the years 2021-23. The research sub-programmes and associated training activities of BANYAN have the common goal of preparing ESRs to develop data analytics and machine learning approaches for the deployment and proactive optimisation of 5G and multi-RAT networks. The interdisciplinary skills needed to achieve such a goal require a training programme that exploits an academic industrial partnership and involves many different areas of expertise including data analytics, machine learning, wireless communications, mathematical modelling, operations research and software engineering.
Partners: RANPLAN Wireless LTD (coordinator), CNR-IEIIT Politecnico di Milano, Fundación IMDEA Networks Academic institution responsible for PhD training: Poliecnico di Torino.
IEIIT is responsible of WP1 , and it will develop big-data analytic methods for extracting and classifying regular and irregular/anomalous structures in mobile traffic.
Funding: European Commission, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Innovative Training Network (ITN) – European Industrial Doctorates (EID)
Timeline: Dec 2019 – Dec 2023