Sub-Terahertz Design and Testing Infrastructure

This infrastructure is aimed at the design and testing of antennas and passive waveguide sub-assemblies. The design activities are carried out by means of in-house and commercial software run over PCs and high-performance computing workstations. Testing equipment include vector network and spectrum analysers currently operating up to 110 GHz with coaxial and waveguide setups. Ad-hoc measurement setups and calibration procedures are implemented for full and accurate scattering-parameter measurements of complex DUTs (multi-band, multi-port, dual-polarization) and for the electromagnetic characterization through UAVs of the radiation patterns of large antenna arrays. The facility is part of the newly-established CNR research infrastructure TERAM aimed at the complete manufacturing and testing of millimeter-wave and sub-Terahertz components. In this context, the laboratory equipment is currently under update to operate up to 750 GHz.