European Researchers’ Night 2024 - Milan

CNR-IEIIT takes part at ERN2024 in Milano


Within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Co.Science project - “Meet Research To Connect Science And Society”, coordinated by CNR, our institute will take part of the European Researchers’ Night 2024, which will be held in Milano on September 27th.

The numerous and diverse planned activities range from health, personalized medicine, food and environmental sustainability, biodiversity, energy, new materials, digital innovations, climate change, nature and urban pollution, virtual reality, AI, sport and psychology.

Where: via Guglielmo Marconi, Milano

When: 27/09/2024, from 16.00 to 23.00

For more info:


Check out the CNR-IEIIT events:

h16:00 Sicurezza informatica in reti ROS industriali

h18:00 Campi elettromagnetici e salute: uno sguardo sul futuro

h19:30 Intelligenza Artificiale, salute e prevenzione: algoritmi e piattaforme digitali intelligenti

h21:30 sQRy: aggiunge intelligenza ai QR code rendendoli eseguibili


And the European projects that will be presented:

CENTRIC- Towards an AI-native, user-centric air interface for 6G networks

GOLIAT- 5G Exposure, causal effects and risk perception through citizen engagement

HOLDEN - Ethical Design of Holography with Dense wireless Networks

META-BRAIN- Magnetoelectric and Ultrasonic Technology for Advanced Brain Modulation

PRAESIIDIUM -Physics informed machine learning-based prediction and reversion of impaired fasting glucose management

ReSChape - REshaping Supply CHAins for Positive social impact

REXASI-PRO - Reliable & explainable swarm intelligence for people with reduced mobility

RISE-SME - Resilient Industry Supply Chain Enhancement for SMEs

TRUSTroke - Trustworthy AI for improvement of stroke outcomes