Short-term forecast of Radiocommunication geostationary Satellite links coupling Meteorological space-time model, radiative transfer and ground-terminal feedback

RadioSatMet (Short-term forecast of Radiocommunication geostationary Satellite links coupling Meteorological space-time model, radiative transfer and ground-terminal feedback) proposal, in response to: ESA ITT AO9763 - ARTES AT 3B.037 (Short-Term Forecast of the signal propagation conditions, based on Numerical Weather Prediction Models and Ground Terminal Feedback), has completed the negotiation phase and the kickoff meeting is planned for the mid of June 2021.
The proposed activity will develop a geostationary microwave channel performance methodology system for a geostationary satellite communication system, named RadioSatMet, based on a high-spatial-resolution numerical weather prediction model and an atmospheric physically-oriented electromagnetic propagation model, capable to operate in an open loop as well as in a closed loop, gathering feedbacks provided by ground terminals of a SatCom system. The RadioMetSat prototype system will generate short-term statistical forecasts of the microwave propagation conditions in each point of the SatCom coverage. The RadioMetSat system throughput and availability gains achieved by the model will be validated and demonstrated in an end-to-end system simulator.
Partners: ESA, Sapienza Università di Roma, Politecnico di Milano, CNR-IMAA and HIMET s.r.l.
IEIIT is responsible of WP2 (Definition of the requirements for the design of the platform for the test of the satellite system) and of WP5 (Implementation of the platform and evaluation of the system performance).
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA)
Timeline: June 2021 – June 2023